It's been ages since i've posted...went on holiday and found myself starting to feel quite good, managed to relax a bit without scales and was chuffed to find when i came home i'd only gained 2lbs despite being a bit naughty most days. Well anyway two weeks later here i am finding myself absolutely obsessing all over again! counting every single calorie, weighing myself ten times a day, feeling absolutely depressed every time i eat or feel myself 'wiggle or wobble' bleurgh!! Feel like a big fat failure and i just don't want to live hating myself!
So in another of my many attempts a perfection, today I have started the skinny girl diet :)
I'm hoping with the unlimited fruit and veg rule i can get away with eating very little of anything else.... harder than it sounds as i live with a very concerned but lovely boyfriend.
anyway will let you know how it goes...