Thursday, 15 July 2010

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

I think Kate Moss hit the nail on the head with that....Today I hit 124lbs; my lowest weight since 2007 when my anorexic ways had a much stronger hold on me than my bulimic ones. It's taken a lot of work, 21lbs worth of starving to reach this point, but oh my god it feels so good!

My next goal is 119lbs, then 112lbs, then 105lbs, then 98lbs and so on until I float on air..

Despite my excitement at loosing all this dirty fat, my life is now becoming more and more complicated hence the need to start a blog to vent my frustrations...

I have been bulimic since I was a young teen. Every now and again throughout college and uni I would manage to control my binges and purges and as a result loose weight and become, on paper at least, anorexic. Now for the past 3 years my bulimic ways have ruled my life, I bloated to 145lbs at my heaviest and become addicted to purging and laxatives. Unhealthy yes, fat yes but easy to hide and maintain my relationships/friendships.

Now that I have regained control over my urges to binge and purge, am restricting to under 500 calories a day and have lost nearly 2 stone suddenly my friends have decided I might have an eating disorder... WTF!! I have been dying inside for nearly a decade but they only give a damn now!

Last weekend I went to a music festival with my 3 best girl friends. I knew that they had their suspicions about my recent weight loss and my very best friend knew I struggled with 'weight issues' (aka EDNOS) at college/uni.

Don't get me wrong - I had an amazing time and tried so so so so hard to keep my secret! I took loads of fruit and low cal snacks and ate some veggie sausages and mash on two of the days and a jacket potato on the other day. I was really proud (and ashamed) of myself for eating so much! I used all the usual lines 'don't trust the food' etc. Despite all this effort though - my girls know about my ED!

We were playing a drinking game on the last night and i got the most drunk the quickest cos i'm a light weight and rubbish at the game (and had had 5 sambucas in about 20 mins!). Anyway I remember hearing one of them saying ' i think she has an eating disorder - im worried about her' and another said ' we'll get it out of her whilst she's drunk'

Well let me tell you that was enough to sober me up and I distracted from the conversation etc. Fortunately they got drunk and forgot about it but bloody hell im annoyed!

1) I tried so so so so hard to be normal! I ate about 5 x more than i wud normally! literally i was eating fruit in the mornings and then a big lunch of veggie sausages etc. I also managed to only purge once and I'm sure I did it really subtly! I don't know what else I could have done!

2) Why can't I be left alone to become skinny! Im still technically a normal weight for my height! so what is wrong in wanting to loose weight and become healthier?!

3) im scared theyre gonna do something - one of them (my absolute best friend) knows my bf very well and im scared shes going to suggest that i have an ED to him.... at the min i dont think he even suspects that... and theres no way i'd get away with it if he figures it out! I want to keep it a secret but if it comes out then fuck it - ill admit it but i will not stop!

4) I just don't know where I stand now - like how to play things - they're my best friends and i love them but i just don't want to see them any more because clearly i'm not keeping the secret well! It's a weird love/hate thing at the minute...And I know in my head that i'm lucky to have friends that care but it's not my head that's ruling my emotions or behaviour at the minute!

Well I think that's all I can vent for now, I'm off to drink black coffee and distract myself from the hunger pains I secretly LOVE!

Stay strong dolls! xx

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